Success stories

OhioKAN Navigator helps grandparent with resources

The situation
A grandparent found themselves suddenly raising their 11-year-old granddaughter and needed immediate support. Unsure of where to turn, they contacted OhioKAN for help, hoping to connect with someone who could guide them through the overwhelming situation of becoming a full-time caregiver.

The facilitation
After calling OhioKAN, the grandparent was connected with a Navigator who was described as “extremely pleasant, delightful, and positive” but also “extremely helpful, professional, and responsive to all my questions and needs.” The Navigator worked closely with the grandparent, providing support and making a challenging situation much more manageable.

The outcome
The grandparent expressed deep relief and gratitude, sharing how the Navigator’s support made a significant difference during this stressful time. With the Navigator’s guidance, the grandparent was able to manage the situation more effectively and focus on their granddaughter’s well-being.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

KTF Specialist reconnects child with biological father

The situation
A mother and child had been traveling to multiple states and ended up in a homeless shelter in Lucas County. The mom was struggling and was not able to care for her child, leading to the child entering foster care. There were no relatives in Ohio, as the mother and child were not from the state, creating an immediate need to find potential family members who could provide care.

The facilitation
Kinnect to Family Specialist Monique stepped in to conduct an intensive family search and engagement process. She was able to locate the child’s biological father in California. Monique submitted an Interstate Compact for the Placement of a Child (ICPC) request to expedite the child’s return to his father. Initially, the agency in California stated that they typically do not conduct home assessments for biological parents. However, after Monique explained the unique circumstances, the agency made an exception and agreed to complete the assessment.

The outcome
The biological father immediately flew to Toledo, Ohio, to attend court. During the proceedings, he was granted custody of his son. The very next day, the father and his son flew back to California together, successfully reuniting as a family.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

Teen finds permanent home with family

The situation
A Kinnect to Family Specialist was diligently working to move a teenage youth from foster care back to their family. The young person had experienced multiple moves between different placements, making it challenging to find a permanent home.

The facilitation
The KTF Specialist organized a barrier meeting with ten family members who knew and loved the young person. By the end of the meeting, four families expressed interest in having the young person come live with them.

The outcome
The young person finally had the opportunity to leave foster care, thanks to the combined efforts of the KTF Specialist and the young person’s case worker. They worked together to ensure that the chosen relative had everything needed to welcome the young person home. This collaborative effort resulted in the teenager being successfully reunified with their family, providing them with the stability and support they needed.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

Grandmother finds funds to send her grandson to summer camp

The situation
Our OhioKAN Navigator in Southeast Ohio assisted a grandmother who wanted her 7-year-old grandson to attend a summer camp he had previously enjoyed. However, since the grandmother was retired and had a fixed income, she couldn’t afford the camp fees on her own.

The facilitation
To address this challenge, our OhioKAN Navigator and the grandmother utilized CarePortal, a platform that connects families in need with local resources—through CarePortal, a local church in the grandmother’s community stepped in to help, providing the financial assistance needed for the camp fees.

The outcome
Thanks to the combined efforts of our OhioKAN Navigator, CarePortal, and the local church, the grandson could attend his favorite summer camp. Their support relieved the grandmother’s financial burden and provided her grandson with a memorable experience. This success story highlights how community support can make a significant difference for families in need.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

14 year old reconnects with family after 7 years

The situation
A 14-year-old boy spent over 7 years in foster care, moving between residential treatment centers, group homes, and foster placements. During this period, he lost contact with his biological family, who believed he had been adopted, leaving him without essential familial support and stability.

The facilitation
Our Kinnect to Family (KTF) Specialist intervened by actively searching for and contacting the boy’s estranged family members. Despite initial beliefs about adoption, the specialist successfully reconnected with relatives who eagerly expressed their desire to build meaningful relationships with the teenager.

The outcome
Thanks to the KTF Specialist’s efforts, the teenager began visiting his reconnected family members. The public children services agency conducted assessments to ensure these placements were safe and suitable. The connection not only provided stable family relationships for the teenager but also restored a sense of belonging and support that had been absent during his time in foster care. This success highlights Kinnect’s belief in the transformative power of family reunification, affirming that everyone has a family and finding them changes everything.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

7 children placed with family within 3 weeks

The situation
Our Kinnect to Family (KTF) Specialist recently received a referral involving seven children. The Public Child Welfare Agency aimed to place these siblings with relatives to maintain their familial bonds.

The facilitation
With urgency and care, our KTF Specialist worked to identify and contact multiple family members. Through home assessments and dedicated efforts, our KTF Specialist successfully placed all seven children with their relatives within a three-week timeframe.

The outcome
The commitment of the family members was remarkable; they not only welcomed the children into their homes but also agreed to maintain regular contact to nurture and preserve the sibling’s relationships. Had it not been for the timely and dedicated intervention of our KTF Specialist, these children would have faced the heart-wrenching prospect of being separated and placed into different foster homes. We commend our KTF Specialists for their exceptional work in keeping children connected with their families and ensuring they remain with their kin during times of need.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

6-month-old baby placed with grandmother

The situation
Trudy, our Kinnect to Family Specialist, recently stepped in to assist a family with a 6-month old baby facing serious medical issues. Through her efforts, she discovered the baby’s father had passed away. Trudy devoted herself to finding a relative who could provide the love and support the baby desperately needed.

The facilitation
In the process of finding a caregiver, Trudy studied the baby’s family tree and was able to find several relatives on the paternal side. Among those relatives was the baby’s paternal grandmother. Without hesitation, Trudy reached out to her to discuss the baby’s urgent need for kinship care.

The outcome
The grandmother expressed gratitude for being contacted and eagerly embraced the opportunity to care for the baby. Trudy’s dedication didn’t end there; she was able to identify two additional caregivers as backup support, ensuring the baby’s safety and security. Since placing the baby into it’s grandmother’s care, the baby has been thriving.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

Child Returns After Two-Year Separation

The situation
A school-age child came to Ohio from Georgia with his mom for what was to be a short trip. A crisis arose and due to system barriers, the child was brought into foster care. The young person was scared and worried about his mom and wanted to see his family back in Georgia.

The facilitation
The Kinnect to Family Specialist and the child welfare team knew that being in Georgia, their home, near so many family members was the best place for this child and worked relentlessly until a safe plan was secured. After completing seven Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) with Georgia, our KTF Specialist was able to support a family in getting the 8th ICPC approved.

The outcome
The child was reunited with family after two years apart. We are so grateful that the Kinnect to Family Specialist did not let the system barriers stop them, if they had, the young person may have grown up in foster care and we know that all children deserve the opportunity to grow up with a sense of belonging with their FAMILY!

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

Baby Boy reunited with Half-Sister

The situation

A Kinnect to Family Specialist was working to ensure that a 3 month old baby boy remained within his family as his parents were being supported with care, resources, and services to mitigate the struggles they were experiencing as a result of poverty.

The facilitation

The Kinnect to Family specialist found the baby boy’s adult half sister. The adult sister had experienced challenges during childhood, including transitions to different homes and caregivers, and as soon as she heard she had a little brother, she knew she wanted to make sure he had a stable, long term caregiver within his family.

The outcome

The sister activated quickly to make sure her home and supports were ready for him to come home to her. She’s been so happy having him for weekend visits and everything was able to come together for the holiday season as well.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.


YCPRT Facilitation helps youth make lifelong connections

YCPRT Madison frame

The situation

Bashia Price, the statewide facilitator for the Youth-Centered Permanency Roundtables program, was working with Madison, a youth who was uncertain about what she wanted in the future. Bashia and the caseworker explored Madison’s options during the youth preparation process.

Madison was attached to her foster parents and was in a planned permanent living arrangement (PPLA). However, she was interested in connecting with her biological mother who lived out of state. She was also close to her grandmother who was caring for Madison’s sibling who was expecting a baby. Madison was worried about her foster family’s feelings about connecting with her birth relatives.

The facilitation

Bashia and her caseworker were able to arrange a phone call with Madison’s biological mother and grandmother to reconnect with them. Next, they arranged a roundtable meeting, inviting both Madison’s foster and biological families, as she requested. When it came time for the strengths bombardment, a portion where people described the youth’s strengths, everyone shared their love for Madison.

Bringing together her foster family and her biological relatives was extremely moving. This empowered Madison to ask for what she wanted, which was to relocate to live with her mother. Her mother agreed, and they developed an action plan that would lead to this.

The outcome

This fall, Madison will visit her mother. Later, her mother will visit her here in Ohio. Then, Madison will relocate to live with her mother in the summer, with her foster mother accompanying her to help with the transition. Bashia was overjoyed to guide Madison in building lifelong connections and the future that she deserves.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.

Wayne County teen gains new family connection and first job

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The Kinnect to Family team in Wayne County had a success worth sharing. The specialist was working with a teen girl who was in residential treatment. She had limited contact with her paternal family.  The specialist located a paternal aunt in West Virginia who was interested in becoming a caregiver but had no prior relationship with the youth. The girl was excited to leave her residential facility, but also anxious because she was ready for the independence that comes with having her first job. She had been working with her facility to explore job opportunities and she was excited about it.  During a family visit, the aunt suggested they write a resume together. It became a bonding experience.  When she returned to the facility, the youth was excited to share what they had done and spoke highly of her aunt.  She was able to leave the residential facility and join her aunt in West Virginia, where she has now started her first part-time job.

YNN partners with youth to build housing stability

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A young person reached out to YNN for help as they had only one week to find a new place to live, and had no short-term or long-term prospects. Their navigator Kim jumped into action by identifying local resources and contacting them together with the youth. They then worked together to create a long-term action plan for housing stability. Additionally, Kim contacted the county agency to assign a case manager for ongoing support. YNN meets youth where they are to provide personalized, one-on-one support, connecting them with resources for various needs including food, shelter, health, housing, career, legal issues, education, and parenting support.

Call 1-833-OHIO-YNN (1-833-644-6966)

Monday: 10 am – 6 pm, Tuesday – Friday: 8:30am – 4:30pm or visit

Siblings stay together through Kinnect to Family + Ohio START partnership

KTF Ohio START story



Ohio START Specialist Chloe Peterson shared a success story about the partnership between Kinnect to Family and Ohio START. Working together with a family and their START caseworker, Chloe identified a kinship caregiver for two siblings that allowed them to remain together. In this case, the father identified the family’s faith community as a source of support. The pastor and church members identified a kinship caregiver who was familiar to the children. One of the children in foster care was scheduled to change foster homes again after several abrupt placement changes already. This child was the older of the two siblings and very protective of his younger sister. The KTF and START teams were concerned that separating them would be traumatic for both. But they faced placement challenges due to the child’s special needs and behavior stemming from trauma. Now the siblings are together, living with an adult they already knew and trusted. Their caregiver also has experience with special needs children, which made it a perfect fit. The children can see their parents regularly as their family engages in recovery and healing. Chloe also worked with the family to activate a support network around them, involving their community and trusted kin they identified, so that the family has assistance if they need it in the future.

OhioKAN grandma infant



A grandmother who began caring for her infant granddaughter contacted OhioKAN for assistance. She had lost her job and as a result, had gotten a shut-off notice from the gas company. She also needed resources to care for the baby, including clothing, diapers, and childcare. OhioKAN sent her a baby box with diapers, baby care items, children’s books, and $100 worth of baby clothes she got to choose herself. OhioKAN also connected her with her local agency so she could receive Prevention, Retention and Contingency (PRC) funds for her financial needs. She was able to pay her gas bill so the heat would remain on, and she was also able to secure help with childcare which allowed her to return to work! OhioKAN does a great job of connecting kinship and adoptive families with resources in their own community.

Family comes together for 7 children

Todd frame


Todd is a Kinnect to Family Specialist in Hamilton County. He has been with the agency since 2008. Todd shared the story of a family he served during the pandemic. Three children came into foster care. Luke and Grace* were school-aged, and Hannah was an infant. It turned out that a fellow agency staff member was related to them, and she was able to help Todd start searching for family members. Todd contacted their grandmother, but she already had four young people living with her that were aunts and uncles to Luke, Grace, and Hannah. Todd also reached out to second cousins and a great-grandmother. Unfortunately, the grandmother was hospitalized with COVID, and she passed away. Then, the great-grandmother was also hospitalized with COVID. At that point, there were seven children in the same family who needed caregivers. The family took the initiative to gather for a family team meeting on their own and came up with a plan. The four siblings living with the grandmother went together to one caregiver, Luke and Grace went to live with one aunt, and Hannah went to live with another aunt. They are all doing well in their new homes. This illustrates something that Kinnect to Family Specialists encounter often: given resources, guidance, and time, families can solve their own problems.

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OhioKAN received a call from a kinship caregiver who began caring for five nieces and nephews. She received help from the county but was still in desperate need of five twin mattresses and bedding. The same day, OhioKAN learned of a faith-based ministry that serves kinship families and connected the aunt with them. She  reached out to them, and the ministry ordered five twin mattresses, pillows, and bedding for her nieces and nephews. The caregiver shared with OhioKAN that she had been feeling defeated at the prospect of getting five beds set up, but now she was excited and relieved. OhioKAN does a great job of connecting kinship and adoptive families with resources in their own community.

YCPRT team affirms youth’s identity

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The Youth Centered Permanency Roundtable (YCPRT) team from Athens County shared a success story about the way their agency affirmed a gender non-conforming youth who was in foster care. The youth was learning more about their gender identity and did not feel supported by their biological family when it came to using their pronouns and name.


The agency has a history of making youth who identify as LGBTQ+ feel comfortable and offering them a safe space to express their wishes. This case was no different. The youth’s caseworker, Maya, arrived late in the process. She quickly set out to build rapport with the youth.

At the initial Permanency Roundtable (PRT), the pre-meeting where staff set the YPCRT process in motion, Maya ensured that the YCPRT team was aware of the youth’s gender identity and updated the team on their pronouns and name. During the YCPRT meetings, in which youth actively participate and drive the agenda, staff adjusted the forms wherever they could. While the youth’s birth name remains part of the SACWIS form, they explained to the youth that they would be adding their current name to the YCPRT forms and using that name and their pronouns.

This youth had a strong sense of self and knew what they wanted for their future. They were adamant that they did not want to reunify with their parents due to the trauma they previously experienced. They wanted to remain with their sibling, in the same foster home, and to be adopted by their foster family. The foster mother was a teacher at the siblings’ school and went through the process to become a foster parent in order to be their caregiver. She then went on to pursue adoption. From day one, the siblings knew that was what they wanted. The agency honored that, along with the youth’s pronouns and desired name. Their adoption was recently finalized, and both siblings now have a permanent family that accepts and celebrates their identity.

Boy reunited with his mom after years in foster care

Warren County

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Geof Garver was a child welfare supervisor from 1994 until retiring in 2023. He was actively involved in the Youth-Centered Permanency Roundtables (YCPRT) program in Warren County since learning about it in 2018. One particular story stands out to Geof. The team was planning a YCPRT with a youth who had been in agency custody since the age of 8. He and his siblings needed to leave their parents due to violence in the home. He had older siblings who had aged out of foster care.  The youth had bounced between foster homes, group homes, and residential treatment centers with serious challenges resulting from the trauma he experienced.

While planning for the YCPRT, the youth shared something that is common: he had reconnected with his mother via social media. His father, who had been the perpetrator of the violence, was deceased. The youth was afraid to share this, thinking the agency would not allow him to invite his mother as a support person. The agency, however, was happy to invite her.

“It was her first chance to see him in years. She was the perfect member of our table. She never missed a meeting even though she was working 2 or 3 jobs,” Geof said. “Her presence allowed him to speak freely, to talk about what was important to him, who his supports are, and what he wanted for his future.”

In the end, the agency was able to work with the court to go back and replace the permanent custody order that removed his mother’s parental rights and consider her as a caregiver. It has been several years, and the family is doing well.

Five children remain in their community

Lorain County

Mary Lee frame


Mary Lee is a Kinnect to Family Specialist in Lorain County. She has been with the agency for over 27 years. For the first 24 years, she was a caseworker because that is where her heart is. Then, she transitioned to serving as the Kinnect to Family Specialist. She shared the story of four boys who came into foster care. One boy, Anthony*, was on the autism spectrum and had a close relationship with a neighbor who lived in the same apartment complex. He saw her as a grandparent, and she was able to become his caregiver. Anthony was able to be with someone he loves and trusts and he remains in the same apartment community. There were no biological relatives who stood out as caregivers for his three brothers Gabriel, Elijah, and Samuel. Still, Mary Lee pushed forward. She identified a woman who was connected to the family through their faith community. The woman, Ivy, was willing to care for the three boys. Gabriel, Samuel, and Elijah are doing well with her. Ivy is maintaining great connections between the children and their parents. She also attends a kinship caregiver support group. And, as other Kinnect to Family Specialists have found, Mary Lee’s genogram benefited another family when a friend of Samuel’s needed to leave his home. He, too, came to live with Ivy. Five children are living with people with whom they share a connection, in their own community due to the Kinnect to Family work Mary Lee began.

OhioKAN success stories



OhioKAN received a call from an aunt who was caring for her baby nephew. She agreed to care for him for a short time, but it unexpectedly became a long-term situation. She needed help accessing medical benefits, childcare and food assistance. Because she did not have custody of him, she was unable to arrange a pediatric visit.

OhioKAN helped her file for temporary custody, which allowed her to get benefits in place and schedule a medical visit. OhioKAN also helped the aunt obtain copies of the baby’s birth certificate and Social Security card, which enabled her to receive Women Infants and Children benefits as well as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Child-Only Ohio Works First. Finally, OhioKAN also connected her with resources for childcare, clothing, and car seats. OhioKAN made all the difference for that family.

OhioKAN made a real difference for this family.

Roadmap serves family more than once

Cuyahoga County

Holly frame

Holly is a Kinnect to Family Specialist in Cuyahoga County. She has been in that role for a year, after spending seven years in extended care. Before working in extended care, she did not realize the full weight of permanent custody. When she began working with those youth, she realized how important it was for children to achieve permanency, how challenging that goal can be to achieve, and how valuable it is to connect with extended family members. She loves that she can help youth achieve permanency in her new role. Holly shared a story about a family she was able to support that involved four children, Daniel, Joe, Mia, and Natalie*, who came into foster care. One parent had died unexpectedly, and the other was not able to care for them. Holly began developing the genogram. Their father’s cousin, who had two young children of her own, agreed to care for all four children. Unfortunately, this arrangement was not long-term and they needed to move to a different home. This is when Holly’s genogram and Roadmap to Family (the family support plan) came back into play. She had found many cousins on their mother’s side. The agency was able to go right back to the Roadmap Holly made and reach out to a maternal cousin who was willing to care for Joe and Mia, the older two. Daniel and Natalie returned to the foster home they were in before living with their father’s cousin, a familiar and loving environment. Their story continues to unfold and Holly’s genogram remains as a valuable asset for this family.

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A grandmother raising three grandchildren reached out to OhioKAN for help. The grandfather had recently lost his job. The family’s only income was Social Security payments, and they were facing eviction during the winter. The grandmother was dealing with health issues that required hospitalization, including a recent fall.

OhioKAN helped the apply for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, but it was clear that this would not cover the immediate costs to avoid eviction. OhioKAN was able to cover the eviction expenses and verify with the landlord that this payment would keep the family in their home. The grandparents then created a sustainable financial plan for the family moving forward, with support from OhioKAN.

OhioKAN is honored to support kinship caregivers in creating action plans that work for them and the young people in their care.

Teens find a caregiver in their uncle

Sandusky County

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Lisa is a Kinnect to Family Specialist in Sandusky County. She loves that her work allows her to have a positive impact on the lives of families. In one situation, she was able to find caregivers for two adolescent girls within their own family network. Madison and Alexis* were living with their father’s cousin when their parents were unable to care for them. They were not adjusting well there, and the cousin was overwhelmed. She called the children services agency for help.

Lisa opened a Family in Need of Services (FINS) case and began prevention services by searching for kin. The search was tough, but she found a former uncle, Matt, on their mother’s side. Madison and Alexis remembered him and insisted that he was still their uncle even if he and their aunt were divorced. Lisa was not sure what to expect when she contacted him, but he wanted to be involved and so did his girlfriend who had behavioral health experience. Her additional support and experience would be useful in helping the girls heal from their trauma. The girls went to his house for an overnight visit and did not want to leave. They are now living with Uncle Matt and his girlfriend and they are thriving. These sisters have also been able to remain connected to the cousin they lived with before, who is a support to them.

After a tragedy, family makes a difference

Cuyahoga County

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Nicole is a Kinnect to Family Specialist in Cuyahoga County. She has been with her agency for 22 years and has been a Kinnect to Family Specialist since 2018. She shared the story of a family she served where two brothers, Caleb and Levi*, came into the care of the agency on an emergency basis. Their parents both died in a tragedy, and the police brought them to the hospital. Other family members were also there. Right away, everyone wanted the same thing: to get the children with family that night. It was a team effort. While the assigned caseworker was at the hospital, Nicole and her fellow Specialist, Kelly, set out to find a kinship caregiver. They checked the backgrounds of the aunts and uncles at the hospital. Unfortunately, none of them were able to care for the boys that night. The team began to dig deeper. One of the relatives mentioned a cousin who may be willing to support the boys. Nicole and her partner conducted background checks and completed paperwork, while the caseworker remained with the boys. When Caleb and Levi arrived at their cousin’s house that evening, she had a comfortable place ready for them to sleep. She created a calm environment for them to heal and thrive. Caleb and Levi now live with their cousin and her children, one of whom is their age, and the other one an older teen who serves as a role model. They live across the street from their new school. For two boys brought to the hospital by the police after a family tragedy, this team effort paid off. They were able to remain with their family, connected to their community and culture.

Teamwork makes the dream work

Fairfield County

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Rachel is a Kinnect to Family Specialist in Fairfield County. She is new to this role but has extensive children services experience. Rachel shared the story of three young children who came into foster care. The infant, Ella*, was in good health. Her brothers Carter and Liam were behind in their developmental milestones. Rachel reached out to many biological family members in a short amount of time. Finally, she contacted their great-grandmother, Mary, who wanted to be a caregiver, but she and her partner had some health limitations. Their house was not childproof. And, they needed beds, clothing, car seats, and activities for the children. Rachel began searching for supports. She located an aunt, a great-grandfather, and the sister of Mary’s partner. Together they came up with a plan to provide daily support and take them some weekends. Rachel got beds and car seats. OhioKAN provided a baby pool. The aunt takes Ella, Carter, and Liam swimming. In addition, their parents are able to visit, maintaining their bond. As a Kinnect to Family Specialist, Rachel has more time to dedicate directly to supporting families through family search and engagement. She spent about 20 hours working directly with this family, including a call for help when one of the children emptied the refrigerator onto the floor. She was able to provide support and put plans in place moving forward. With Rachel’s support and guidance, the family was able to come together and create their own solution. Now, these children are living with family and maintaining a relationship with their parents.

Dad becomes her greatest champion

Franklin County

Sarah L Frame

Sarah is a Kinnect to Family Specialist with Franklin County Children Services. She has been with the agency for five years, starting out in intake. Through the creativity of her children services caseworker in high school, she spent time with a kinship caregiver. So, a job that involved going above and beyond to find creative care arrangements for kids really pulled at her heartstrings.

Sarah shared the story of an 8-year-old girl, Olivia, who moved to Franklin County with her mother and grandmother from another area of the state. She did not know anyone in the area. A couple of months after moving, she ended up entering foster care. Sarah set out to locate a caregiver within her family network, pursuing both sides of the family. Olivia had never met her father. Sarah set out to find him, searching hard because he had a common name. It took her a week and a half of searching, but she found him. He asked a lot of questions, but he did not hesitate: he wanted to be involved with Olivia.  He especially wanted her to have a relationship with her younger half-brother. Olivia now lives with her father back in her home community, along with her half-brother as well as her step-mother and a step-sibling. She attends school with her siblings. She has a relationship with her paternal grandparents, who help with childcare. Her father has become her biggest advocate, calling agencies daily until he was able to arrange services to help her heal from her past trauma. For Olivia, being with family has made all the difference.

Friends help family get back on their feet

Allen County


Monica is a Kinnect to Family Specialist in Allen County. She has been in this role for a year and has ten years of experience with the agency. She shared the story of two young children, William and Emma* who came into foster care. They were not adjusting well due to the trauma they experienced. Monica searched diligently for biological relatives. Kinnect to Family Specialists have the time to cast a wide net searching for kin and engaging them.

At first, a relative out of state seemed to be a good caregiver option. The Kinnect to Family Specialist always develops a backup caregiver. In this case, William and Emma’s father Jim gave Monica the name of a friend, Sean, who had always been supportive of him. Sean and his wife Amy were the backup caregivers. When the first caregiver option fell through, the children came to live with Sean and Amy, along with Jim. The couple has supported the whole family, helping Jim get back on his feet and taking William and Emma to a series of medical appointments. Having everyone together allowed William and Emma to remain bonded with their father. Recently, Jim was able to move into his own housing, and William and Emma are now doing overnight visits with him. Kinnect to Family Specialist partner with their agency staff to serve families, and it really paid off for these children and their dad.